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BDC Reporter: Short Hiatus

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Readers may have noticed that the BDC Reporter has not posted any new articles for several days, including our weekly installment of the BDC Common Stock and Fixed Income Market Recaps. The unfortunate reason is that the BDC Reporter’s Editor, Nicholas Marshi, was suddenly and unexpectedly diagnosed with a detached retina last Friday. Thanks to a trip to the emergency room and a couple of procedures on the affected eyeball, the prognosis for a full recovery looks good. However, there is a healing process which involves the need to lie horizontally 24 hours a day, and abstain from much in the way of reading and writing. We had hoped that somehow we could continue to research and write in this prone position, but it’s not humanly possible.  As a result, we will have to suspend publishing any new articles or updating the Tools section with data for a short period. We will be back as soon as possible. Be assured that all our Premium subscribers will receive a full credit for whatever period we are offline. The exact time frame is unknown but should be only a few weeks at most. Less if we experience a medical miracle ! We apologize for the interruption in our publication. We hope to be back on these pages and in your inbox – God willing – in a short time.

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