Trinity Capital: President Kyle Brown Interviewed By Charles Jaffe on AICA Podcast – CORRECTED
Chuck Jaffe interviews a string of investment and finance types for the Active Investment Company Alliance and for his own show Money Life. He’s even interviewed the BDC Reporter twice: back in July 2021 and more recently on May 27, 2022. In both cases we were in an optimistic mode for the long term, and we remain so.
More recently – and the reason for this post – Mr Jaffe happened to interview Kyle Brown – the President of Trinity Capital (TRIN) – on the same day we wrote an article – quite coincidentally – about the BDC’s latest dividend announcement and how the market does not seem to have yet embraced this newer public BDC which is involved in the venture debt segment.
Not to give anything away, but Mr Brown tackles the issue of the disconnect between his BDC’s stellar distribution performance and modest stock price performance in the brief, but punchy, conversation with Mr Jaffe.

Click on the link above for the podcast and a useful introduction to this still under-known BDC.
Note: An earlier version of this article incorrectly referred to Kyle Brown as CEO of Trinity. He is the President.
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